I'm in prime baking mode right now, madly rushing to get all my holiday treats ready to go for the holiday season. I've never been very good at planning ahead, which is too bad because it seems pretty reasonable. So my baking regime tends to sneak up on me and then I bake like like a crazy person for a week straight. I just put the R&B on the stereo and let my KitchenAid work out with me, existing on dough and icing. A message in my inbox from Gourmet magazine really got me excited though. Every year I make some of my favourite cookies but always like to add a few newbies that may or may not make it to future years. Its sort of my own cookie tryouts. Well Gourmet Magazine has just published a compendium of their Best Cookies from 1941-today! This is a great list, with so many old forgotten favourites from my grandparents and parents' eras. Surely a few familar ones will be there and some old ones to give a new shot too. I'd love to hear about any successes from you bakers out there. And have fun baking!